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Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Blitzkrieg 2


Blitzkrieg II

{"Use as backup purpose only"}

by: cdv Software Entertainment 
Developed by: Nival Interactive 
Release Date: September 26, 2005 
Genre: Real-Time Strategy 
Rating: 8.4

Sequel to Nival's World War II real-time strategy game. Blitzkrieg 2 features deeper strategic elements, with primary and secondary mission objects that are connected to other missions in a tree-like structure. New settings, such as the Philippines, Okinawa, Manchuria and other Pacific operations join a lineup of Europe-based scenarios. Success on the battlefield and fulfilling the secondary objectives result in getting advantages and promotions, and a larger number of units the player can control. In addition to a larger number of missions, units, and inshore warfare and air battles, a new reinforcement option provides the player with more strategic freedom. The game also features a new 3D engine, and a map editor that lets players create their own battle maps.


Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars


 Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars

Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars is the fourth computer game in the Cossacks series of real-time strategy games, released in Spring 2005 to mixed reviews.[1] This game focuses exclusively on the Napoleonic era, meaning it has a much shorter time span than others in this series, which spanned several centuries. Therefore, fewer technologies can be researched than in other Cossacks games, and there aren’t as many different unit types for each country as before. On the other hand, Cossacks II allows a large number of units to be trained and it has many tactical options and an updated graphical engine.

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Following in the tradition of previous Blizzard expansion sets, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne provides gamers with a vast new chapter in the epic Warcraft saga. In the single-player campaign, players revisit the war-torn world of Azeroth. Several months have passed since Archimonde and the Burning Legion were defeated at the battle of Mount Hyjal, yet a new threat has arisen throughout the land...





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