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Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Baldur's Gate The Original Saga Full Download
Action Pc Games

Baldurs Gate Tales of The Sword Coast Expansion

The story takes place in TSR's® best-selling FORGOTTEN REALMS®. The western shore along the Sea of Swords contains a multitude of ecologies and terrains including mountains, forests, swamps, marshes, plains, cities, and ruins. Collectively called the Sword Coast, it attracts adventurers and evil alike, and is the backdrop for this epic adventure.

The region encompassed by this game is roughly bordered to the South by the Cloud Peaks, the East by the Wood of Sharp Teeth, the West by the Sea of Swords, and the North by Baldur's Gate (the largest and most affluent city in the region).

Chaos threatens to overwhelm the Sword Coast. The state of Amn is under siege to the south, the High Moor is being overrun in the north, and the region around Baldur's Gate is in turmoil. In an area known for its ample resources, a crippling shortage is slowly developing for the metal that is used throughout the Realms for everything from swords to forks - iron. When iron ore reaching the region is smelted, the resulting wares are plagued with brittleness such that they crack and break with little more than normal use. What's worse, trading caravans coming from all directions into Baldur's Gate are under constant attack from bandits and cutthroats who loot not for gold and gems (although they often take those too...), but for iron. The armed factions in Baldur's Gate can scarcely keep themselves armed and the commoners are suffering all the more. Without iron they cannot mend their tools or purchase plows - and everyone knows that if they cannot farm or craft, they will starve come winter.

Some blame Amn for the chaos, others the trading cartels, and still others suspect even the Dukes of Baldur's Gate. Yet, this contagion may be an early omen of some greater evil...

The player starts the game with one character. This character can be generated using any of the races, classes, and alignments allowed by ADVANCED DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS®. Up to five other adventurers may join the central character as the epic quest proceeds. The player begins in the glorious castle of Candlekeep, an orphan seeking self-knowledge.

Although once a stolid coastal fortress, Candlekeep is now a great library filled with endless dusty tomes and crusty sages. The player is led out of the keep by a mentor into the wilds of the Sword Coast, and the adventure begins...

System Requirements
The system requirements for Baldur's Gate are as follows:
Required Recommended
Processor Pentium 166 MHz Pentium 200 MHz with MMX
Operating System Windows 95/98
RAM 16 MB* 32 MB
DirectX DirectX 3.0 DirectX 5.0
Video Card DirectX video card with 2 MB DirectX video card with 4 MB
Sound Card DirectX certified sound card
CD-ROM Drive 4X 8X
Hard Disk Installation 320 MB 570 MB
Multiplayer Modem-to-modem, null modem, IPX, TCP/IP

Note: Check all links and parts, be sure all working before Download.

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Password- www.goamaze.com

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Baldur's Gate Free Full Version Download
Action Pc Games

Baldur's Gate Pc
*No installation required! Just start the game and play!
*Latest updates and nocd crack pre-installed.
*BG1 and BG2 has been combined together with both expansions to create one single, fluid experience. BG1 will now use BG2's more advanced graphics and UI, and you will no longer need to switch between cd's or games when you beat BG1. It will just automatically start BG2 without delay and continue playing with your current character. Items that work in BG1 will work in BG2 and vice versa.
*Hundreds of new quests and items.
*New/More sounds and music.
*More dialogue, NPC's, teammates, and romances.
*New character portraits.
*More spells

*Lots of dialogue fixes and other fixes created by fans of the games.
*Huge BG1 Mods including: Dark Side of the Sword Coast, Northern Tales of the Sword Coast, Secret of Bonehill, and Drizzt Saga, with small mini-mods for various other things.
*Huge BG2 Mods including: The Darkest Day, Shadows Over Soubar, Check the Bodies, Tortured Souls, and Region of Terror, with even more small mini-mods.
*Brand new World Map(See below).
*New start menu.
*Doing all of this yourself would take up around 10gb of space and take a lot of patience and involvement. I've done all the work for you, except mine is only around 7gb in size and won't clutter your computer, because it only has 2 executables. The .dat file and the launcher.

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Check All Links Before Downloading!


Password- www.goamaze.com

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CrossFire Online Full Download Free
Action Pc Games, Editor's Choice Pc Game, Fighting Games, GTA's Pc Games

New & Better Than - Counter Stike 1.6
Much better than Counter strike series. If you like counter strike then you must play this game too.

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Cross Fire is an online, military-themed, first-person shooter for the PC, developed by SmileGate, published by G4BOX. The game features two International Mercenary Forces, locked together in an epic global conflict. Players assume the role of either a Black List terrorist or Global Risk mercenary, joining an online team that must work together to complete objective-based scenarios. There are four online modes in the game including, Team Death Match, Search and Destroy, Elimination Match and the all-new Ghost Match. Based on their performance in-game, players will receive experience points and be promoted through various Military Ranks. Players will also have the ability to customize their character’s equipment and appearance through Cross Fire’s in-game item shop. Upon release, Cross Fire will be totally free to download and play online.
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